[deepamehta-devel] July 8th next dm-dev meeting at Wikimedia

carolina carolina at sindominio.net
Thu Jun 26 19:14:44 CEST 2014

Hash: SHA1

Hi :-)

>> The repo is:
>> https://github.com/carolinagc/dm4-import-export/tree/export_toSVG
The import/export plugin only works (for the moment) with default
>> topics. The export to SVG is working though there are a couple
>> of things to improve and right now I'm refactoring the code, so
>> you won't find the export_toSVG on master but on its branch :)
>> any suggestions, improvements, etc are welcome :)))
> Nice. Just, what do you mean with "default topics" - like just
> exporting the TopicTypes coming with the DM Standard Distribution?

yes, note, person, institution and web resource.

> Since I remember my user-friend at the last developer meeting
> wanting a Topicmap to Bitmap-Export, there might be an easy way we
> could integrate this (maybe as an export option?) into this plugin,
> too, or?

well actually, I started doing to export to SVG because of his request
in the last dev-meeting ;-) .. thinking that it would be a good idea
to have an "image" of the topicmaps to use in presentations, etc, and
I chose SVG since I think is a more flexible format, that can be saved
into any other format with a graphic app (gimp etc.)

> The client-side source code for exporting to bitmap, as long as
> the default canvas-based topicmap-renderer is used, should be easy
> as:
> function convertCanvasToImage(canvas) { var image = new Image(); 
> image.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); return image; }
> Source: http://davidwalsh.name/convert-canvas-image

ok, nice ... I'll check it

> While I guess that its quite straight-forwad to create a .PNG-File
> out of a data-uri. At least I found a useful-looking comment in the
> php.net community manual under >
> http://php.net/manual/en/function.base64-decode.php (currently the 
> second from top).


> Tell me if we want to join these two export-options in your
> plugin.

ok, why not? :-D

> Me personally, I am really looking forward trying out your
> SVG-Export option and would be happy to test-drive
> file-compatibility with e.g. Inkscape and give you feedback for
> consideration.

That would be great, if you can test it and give feedback :-)


- -- 
>> Donde la pinten, salto
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